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Basics of ECG Interpretation11 Topics
Normal ECG Parameters
ECG Interpretation of Chamber Enlargement4 Topics
Heart Block3 Topics
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Tachycardia8 Topics
Myocardial Hypoxia/Ischemia
Low Amplitude QRS Complex
Wide QRS Complex
Bundle Branch Block
Differentials for ECG Abnormalities
Lesson 10 of 14
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Myocardial Hypoxia/Ischemia
While there are no specific ECG findings that are pathognomonic for hypoxemia, some of the following may be generally suggestive:
- Wide QRS complexes
- ST segment depression or elevation (≥0.2 mV)
- Tall T waves (more than 1/4 total QRS excursion)
- Notching of the R wave of the QRS complex (microscopic intramural myocardial infarction or MIMI)
- Low amplitude QRS complexes
- Conduction disturbances (aberrant conduction) leading to wide and bizarre QRS morphology