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Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology
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Structure and Function4 Topics -
Lymphatics and Edema Formation
The Microcirculation
Vascular Control3 Topics
The Cardiac Cycle
Determinants of Myocardial Performance7 Topics
Neuro-Control of Heart and Vasculature4 Topics
Electro-Mechanical Association4 Topics
Electrical Side of the Heart4 Topics
PathophysiologyDefining Heart Failure
Causes of Heart Failure
MVO2 and Heart Failure
Cardiac Output and Heart Failure7 Topics
Compensation for Circulatory Failure
Vascular Tone in Heart Failure
Lesson 1,
Topic 4
In Progress
Clinical Context: Types of Cardiovascular Disease
Lesson Progress
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With an awareness of cardiovascular anatomy and function, it becomes easier to understand potential sources of cardiovascular disease and malfunction. Abnormalities or dysfunction at various levels may contribute alone or in combination in individual cases:
- Obstruction at any valve
- Insufficiency of any valve
- Failure of the atria to receive blood
- Failure of the atria to push blood (contract)
- Failure of the ventricles to receive blood
- Failure of the ventricles to expel blood
- Failure of the arterial tree to maintain pressure
- Failure of the arterial tree to lower pressure
- Failure of the pericardium to expand with ventricular filling
More to come on these later! Below are some illustrative examples.
Valvular insufficiency/regurgitation

Valvular obstruction/stenosis
Mitral stenosis Normal mitral valve
Failure of the left ventricle to expel blood

Failure of the pericardium to expand normally during filling