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Acquired Heart Disease
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Dog Breed Predilictions
Myxomatous Mitral Valve Degeneration5 Topics
Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy5 Topics
Feline Dilated Cardiomyopathy5 Topics
Feline Thromboembolic Disease
Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy5 Topics
Feline Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Other Feline Cardiomyopathies
Feline Hyperthyroidism5 Topics
Boxer Cardiomyopathy
Canine Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Pericardial Disorders
Pericardial Effusion6 Topics
Constrictive Pericardial Disease
Feline Pericardial Disease
Bacterial Endocarditis5 Topics
Canine Heartworm Disease6 Topics
Feline Heartworm Disease
Occult Heartworm Disease5 Topics
Lesson 17,
Topic 2
In Progress
Lesson Progress
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- Signalment:
- Breeds –
- Dogs with congenital subaortic stenosis
- Large breed dogs are more commonly affected. German Shepherds are the most common breed affected overall.
- Age – middle age or older (ave. = 5 yrs)
- Sex – primarily in males
- History may include:
- Anorexia, lethargy, depression
- Vomiting
- Lameness
- Heart failure/congestive heart failure
- Physical examination:
- A new heart murmur of mitral valve insufficiency or
- Aortic valve insufficiency, previously undetected
- Exuberant arterial pulses occur when aortic insufficiency develops
- Dysrhythmias
- Fever
- Joint pain, swelling, heat
- Pale mucous membranes
- Dyspnea
- Congestive heart failure
Comment: The clinical signs of bacterial endocarditis are related to:
- Cardiac lesions
- Arterial emboli
- Host response to infection